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Radon Testing

                         OVER 20 YEARS OF RADON TESTING EXPERIENCE


Radon, a known carcinogen, is a colorless, odorless, invisible gas that enters your house through cracks and joints in your foundation. Radon is caused by the natural decay of radioactive elements in the soil and can exist in either an old home or a brand new home. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking. Radon can become trapped in your house, where it can build up and the only way to tell if you have high radon levels is to have your house tested. 

The EPA estimates that approximately 21,000 people die each year due to radon. According to the EPA, all homes should be tested and nearly 1 in 15 homes have elevated radon levels. If you have tested for radon, the EPA recommends retesting every two years.  The EPA has set a regulatory Action Level of 4.0 pCi/l.  Homes which test at or above this level should be fixed by installing a radon mitigation system.

ESG uses a continuous radon monitor that produces fast results in as little as 48 hours.  Whether you have a basement, crawlspace or on a slab, you should have your house tested to determine the concentrations of radon.


ESG conducts radon testing for large buildings, schools and multifamily buildings following MALB & MAMF AARST-ANSI protocols.

Click here for a link to the EPA document titled Home Buyer's & Seller's Guide to Radon.

Radon Testing ESG
Radon Testing by ESG

 Luft Indoor Air Quality Monitor


Keep track of radon levels, chemicals, carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity and pressure in your home.  All with your smart phone. Luft is uniquely designed to continuously measure the quality of the air your breathe.


For additional information, click on the Luft image below.


  • Provides clear visual indicators of your indoor air quality status

  • Detects and notifies you when levels rise beyond set limits

  • Compact, plug-in device that fits into any standard wall outlet

  • Easy to use mobile app allows access to your readings from anywhere

  • Dual function - also acts as a nightlight with custom colors, timing and brightness

  • Designed and manufactured in the USA

  • $249 without discount code (see below for discount code)


To order, click here or scan the QR code below. Use code HEALTHYAIR for a discount (sold by SunRadon LLC).


Luft Radon & IAQ Testing

Scan QR code to order now!

Use code HEALTHYAIR for a special discount

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